
Sinolong New Material
The thickness of printed composite nylon film obtained by OA1 biaxial sequential stretching method can be 10~30 μ M.
Scope of application
OA1-15 μm it can be used for color printing with less than 6 colors (including 6 colors), ordinary packaging products with bag making and edge sealing width ≤ 3cm and no frame requirements, and it can be used for boiled products, with little curling and curling after cooking; Ultra thin (10/12 μ m) It can be used to make balloons, aluminized nylon and other products; Enhanced (25/30 μ m) It is suitable for heavy packages or packages with bones, spikes and other requirements for puncture resistance and high strength.
Product Features
  • It has good oxygen resistance
  • It has good printing performance
  • It has excellent tensile property, impact resistance and puncture resistance
  • It has excellent torsion resistance and strength and toughness
  • It has good transparency and gloss
Main technical index
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