
Sinolong New Material
We are committed to sustainable development,
Create a more sustainable and better future for the world
  • We?are?a?part?of?building?a?global?LC?economy.?We?believe?that?to?succeed?in?today's?global?market,?we?must?embed?the?concept?of?sustainable?development?into?our?business.?Therefore,?we?integrate?the?environmental,?social?and?economic?impacts?of?sustainable?development?into?our?core?business?strategy.?We?have?won?the?national?honors?“National?Green?Factory"and?"National?Green?Supply?Chain?Management?Enterprise".
  • In Sinolong Industrial, we constantly challenge ourselves and try our best to provide better innovation, from helping our customers (even their customers) achieve successful solutions and sustainable development goals. At the same time, we actively respond to the national development strategy, make every effort to promote energy conservation and emission reduction, and promote our carbon neutralization process. We firmly believe that sustainable environment is the best wealth left to our future generations.
We take the United Nations SDGs as the direction of our efforts, and achieve our goals through the following actions.
    The first Chinese member of the FAO save food initiative, continue to ensure global food safety.
  • Green supply chain management
    Green management is implemented vertically in the whole chain. Through green guidance and green procurement, upstream and downstream enterprises are encouraged to carry out green transformation and upgrading, and a perfect green supply chain.
  • Energy conservation and emission reduction
    Through energy conservation, emission reduction and the application of new technologies, our comprehensive energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions have decreased year by year.
  • Using clean energy
    We use clean energy and apply it in every link of production and operation.
  • Nearly 100% Recycled
    In production, we have achieved nearly 100% recyclable reuse technology to ensure that every energy can be used efficiently.
  • Clean Production
    We will deepen the green supply chain into production links, reduce resource waste from the source, improve the utilization rate of raw materials, and reduce the use of hazardous substances and pollutant emissions.
  • Improve management efficiency
    Realize intelligent manufacturing, and promote the whole process resource saving and energy consumption control through integration, informatization, automation and other methods.
  • A model enterprise that cares employees and respected by employees
    Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, promote full and productive employment, and everyone can obtain a respectable work.
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